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Strong & happy LGBTQ+ adoptive & foster families

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Memberships for LGBT+ adopters and foster carers

Get a membership to New Family Social to find out more information and to gain support




Limited Membership

Interested in LGBT+ Adoption & Fostering

Access to the New Family Social agency finder that lists agencies which welcome LGBT+ applicants

Access to New Family Social events

Verification: None needed



£60 per year

discounts available

LGBT+ and currently pursuing becoming adopters and foster carers or are approved

Access New Family Social events open to all members

Dedicated forum to access support from NFS staff & volunteers

Exclusive adoption and fostering content

Verification: Payment provides basic verification automatically



£5.00 per month or

free via a member agency

LGBT+ adopter and foster carers who are being assessed or are approved by a UK adoption or fostering agency

Exclusive access to our Summer Camp

Full access to our online peer support forums and to our members' directory and message one another for support

View and attend both our 'all members' and 'restricted members' events and arrange your own local meet-ups

Access New Family Social's family-finding service when they reach that stage (adoption).

Verification: Provide details of your social work professional who can verify your status in the process.

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Call us on: 0203 880 2683

Out-of-hours media enquiry : 07867 595 554


7 Bell Yard



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