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Senior adoption leaders complete 'Improving work with LGBTQ+ applicants' course [12 June, 2023]

12 Jun 2023 14:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

In May 2023 senior leaders from across the adoption sector in England took part in a course specifically designed to drive improvements in its work with LGBTQ+ applicants.

As LGBTQ+ people now represent the second largest group of people who adopt in the country New Family Social works with agencies to make this as smooth as possible – while also supporting and advocating for LGBTQ+ people on their adoption (and fostering) journeys.

Among the organisations that completed the two-part course for senior leaders were:

  • Action for Children
  • Adopt East RAA
  • Adopt London East RAA
  • Adopt London South RAA
  • Adopt North East RAA
  • Adopt South RAA
  • Adopt Thames Valley RAA
  • Adopters for Adoption
  • Adoption Central England (ACE) RAA
  • Adoption Connects RAA
  • Adoption East Midlands RAA
  • Adoption Focus
  • Adoption Matters
  • Adoption Now RAA
  • Adoption West RAA
  • Birmingham Children’s Trust (Now Adopt Birmingham RAA)
  • Caritas Care
  • Coram Ambitious for Adoption RAA
  • Coram Baaf
  • CVAA
  • Diagrama
  • IAC Centre
  • National Adoption Leeds
  • One Adoption North & Humber RAA
  • One Adoption West Yorkshire RAA
  • PACT Charity
  • Yorkshire Adoption Agency

The training – which was free to attend – was open and promoted to all regional adoption agencies and voluntary adoption agencies working in England.

If you’re considering which agency to go on your adoption journey with – and it doesn’t appear on the list above – you may want to ask it why.

Bronze members can also log in to the site to check out agencies across the UK that want to hear from LGBTQ+ people as potential applicants


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